Sunday, May 8, 2011

优顿草/Clinathanus/Sabah Snake Grass - 癌患救星?

Below article from a forwarded email to me.

Good News!!!
Recently, I met a man who had Lymphatic Cancer - Stage 4 with 123 lymph nodes affected. His cancer started in March 2008.

Affected parts: 1st: Right lung, 2nd: Left lung, 3rd: Groin, 4th: Eye and 5thMouth.
After 9 chemo therapies he stopped the treatment on 10/11/2008 because 5 specialists said he can only survive for 3 months. Today, after more than 2 years, he has recovered and is still living. Thanks to the Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus) which he planted outside his house.
He blended the leaves with green apple (minus skin and seeds) and drank them after breakfast everyday.

After 3 days, 6 tumours disappeared.
After 13 days, he went for a blood test.The oncologist said that he was 96% cured.

So far more than 1,000 people who had taken the herbs showed improvement.

Case 1) Man - age 54
Lung Cancer: 3rd stage.
Chemothrapy 6 times
Tumour before taking Sabah Snake Grass 29mm, 44mm, 76mm
Tumour two weeks after taking Sabah Snake Grass
reduced to 20mm, 27mm, 67mm respectively

Case 2) Woman
Uterus cancer – tumour size 6cm
Scheduled for surgery. After taking SSG, reduced to 3.5cm.
Doctor said no need to operate
Continue taking the SSG, the tumour disappeared.

Case 3) Man
Prostate Cancer
After taking SSG for 11 days, the tumour disappeared.

Case 4) Woman from KL
Breast and Lung Cancer
Both breasts removed - 4 stage. Very weak, cannot eat,
on drip and lying in hospital.
Family member poured SSG juice into her mouth through tube.
After a few days, could eat and was discharged.
28 days later was all tumours disappeared.

Case 5) Woman from Taiping
Breast Cancer
After taking SSG for 3 days, the wound dried up.

Case 6) Leukemia Patients
So far 4 cases have been cured after drinking SSG juice.
They also drank juice from 3 leaves of Guo Sai Por
(Ti Tham Tou) once per week.

Case 7) Dialysis Patients
After taking SSG for 10 days, stopped going for dialysis

Case 8) Patients with High Cholesterol, High Blood, High Uric Acid
and Diabetes
After taking SSG, the conditions improved.

The Plant

Number of leaves used for treatment for Cancer:
Stage 1 : 30 leaves everyday
Stage 2 : 50 leaves everyday
Stage 3 : 100 leaves everyday
Stage 4 : 150 – 200 leaves everyday
When the patients get better, reduce the number of leaves.

Direction for juicing SSG
a) Pour half cup of clean water in a blender
b) Add 1 or 2 ice cubes to prevent heating during blending
c) Add 1 quarter of lemon or half a lime juice (provide Vitamin C and prevent oxidization )
d) Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put them into the blender
e) Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds
f ) Cut the apple into 8 pieces
g) Put in the pieces of apple
h) Blend and drink immediately or within 5 minutes. (consume daily)
I ) If your body is "cooling" add a few slices of ginger or drink warming herbs

Food to avoid : Sugar and products made with sugar, honey, kembong fish, ray fish, 7 angled-fish, chicken meat, duck meat, yam, glutenous rice, margarine, durians, bird nest, ginseng and other rejuvenating herbs.


  1. 优遁草含有丰富的类黄酮化合物 flavonoids。
    类黄酮是人体吸收维生素 C 所必需的物质。维生素 C 和类黄酮 两者必须共同存在。所以加lemon 是很好的配合。

  2. 类黄酮是强大的抗氧化剂, 能降低许多癌症的罹患率。

  3. 类黄酮可以作为一种抗氧化剂抵消自由基对身体细胞和组织的损害,还具有抗抗炎、抗过敏、抗病毒,强化细胞膜、使受损细胞再生等多重功效。

  4. 類黃酮同時能幫助維他命C再生,而維他命C又可以幫助維他命E還原,因此在補充維他命C、E時,如能多攝取類黃酮素,可使其功效加倍。

  5. Hi all,

    My wife is stage 4 lung cancer patient. She took SSG(300 pcs per day) for few days and she felt very painful on her back,shoulder and stomach. Sometime, feel like to vomit. This pain has last for 1 week already...Is this a good sign or bad sign? Anyone has the same experience?



  6. Hi WWF .... How is your wife now? I hope she is doing well now, please share your experience, it can help others too.


  7. 有中医师说,如果面色百黄青及无精神,整天爱睡,说话小声低沉,手脚冰冷,食欲差,易觉得冷,不宜用优吨草。

  8. SSG is a very potent medicine it does have adverse side effects. Please study carefully or consult competent medical professional before consuming huge amount like 100 leaves per day. Taking daily one or two leaves in a long run have position benefits on our health that will surprise you

  9. While I might add to say I had a living wife to testify the effectiveness of taking it and so do others which I had given them the plant etc and well over 60 cases . It must not be taken too much as this plant has the coolant effect which most patients because of their state of health they are in is unable to cope. Some would complain having tummy pain or joint pain over the knees. Try to reduce to around 20 leaves each time you blend and mix with plain water ( apple is not necessary) or you can add some honey to make it taste better. One can take lemon grass in between on alternate days. Simply cut the stalks and boil for around 25mins until the smell come out. No specific amount of the stalk or water used. SInce we are taking on regular basis for both, moderation is the best employed. Here`s a brief history of what happen to my musus. 2004,discovered having breast cancer,entering 2nd stage. Took lemon grass for few months ( less than 6 and not too regularly though) . Cured from there. 2010 relapsed and this time over the skin surface in around the same area. Took clinathanus on and off for few months while having the normal medical treatment in hospital. Today after all these 10 over years, she is a cancer survival with complete cure. Her only problem now is liver problem known as cirrhosis which is supposed to be uncurable . This disease has nothing to do with cancer which she had according to the doctor . Hope the information I provided is of help to all. God Bless.
