1] June 16, 2008 - adenocarcinoma - Ursula wrote:
"I have been on the Budwig diet going on 18 months. I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in the uterus and was advised on a complete hysterectomy with removal of some lymph nodes. I refused surgery. The complications scared me more than the cancer. I feel well with no further symptoms. So I just keep doing the diet & magnetic pulse therapy. Also...am taking vitalzyme, an enzyme
2] May 2, 2008 - Sarcoma and lung mets - Kathy wrote:
"I just returned from my Dr. appt to review my recent scan results. I am happy to report that there is no evidence of recurrent disease. I am a Sarcoma patient. I had a Peripheral Nerve Sheath tumor removed from my upper thigh in Oct 2006. There were no mets at the time of
surgery but at my one year scan, a 4-6mm lung nodule was found. I started Budwig afterwards. After 2 scans full of bad news, it was so good to hear that they see no evidence that there is any active cancer in my body right now! I'm ready to celebrate!!! Thank GOD!!
Details on how Kathy did it
3] April 10, 2008 - Prostate Health - Post #1 - Frank wrote: "I had a Biopsy in 2006 which read 7.8. My urologist told me that supplements and vitamins were not going to help. I...then switched to the Budwig diet. Since I went on the diet my PSA has come down to 6.9." The full message is at this link.
Post #2 - Artie E. wrote:...my PSA came down within 9 months from 6.9 to under 3. But most importantly is the FREE PSA PERCENTAGE...a more reliable marker than PSA alone...normal range is 25% [and above]. Mine was 11%. Within 9 months on BP it shot up to 38%, which is where it remains a year later.[A score over 25% means less risk of cancer.]
4] March 25, 2008 - Colon Ca w/Liver Mets - Sid wrote: "My dad is in the same stage as you are: colon ca with liver mets (stage 4). He was diagnosed in December 2006 and was given 6 to 12 months before expiry. Resection was not an option for him either because of the advanced stage (3 lobes affected) and his age... It is now 15 months since dx and dad is still with us. He is not in perfect condition but I can tell you he has no pain at all and is mobile. He did no chemo, took no drugs at all (no painkillers etc).
He only did BP[Budwig Protocol]...
5] Feb. 19, 2008, Rectal Cancer - Dawn Brooks wrote:
"I am a Stage IIIC Rectal Cancer survivor and am praising God and the Budwig diet! I began the Budwig diet about two months ago when a PET/CT scan showed a reoccurance of my rectal cancer. When I went to my surgeon at the Mayo Clinic in January, they confirmed there was
cancer in the lymph node they biopsied. They stated they were sure it was in the entire clump of lymph nodes in the area and wanted me to have chemo followed by radiation and surgery. They also stated there were EXTENSIVE dead cancer cells in the lymph node, which was a good
sign. I KNEW the dead cancer cells were from the Budwig diet! I returned home and continued with the BP and also had magnacharge treatments from my ND. Today my ND performed a scan and my cancer numbers have dropped GREATLY. The cancer is still there, but in just two months, it has been reduced by 90%! I know God lead me to the Budwig diet and I give him all the praise! I will do my best to make sure everyone knows about Dr. Budwig and her protocol! Dawn, Michigan"
6] Jan. 23, 2008 -Husband's cancer, arthritis, heart problems - Rebecca wrote:
"My husband and I have been following the Budwig protocol for nearly four years now. I do not have cancer but my husband has/had male breast cancer , diabetes type 2, arthritis, high blood pressure and heart problems. He had radical mastectomy surgery in June 2004 and the cancer had infiltrated the chest wall and progressed to his lymph glands. He refused chemo therapy,
hormone treatment and all 'anti cancer' drugs offered and has relied almost exclusively on Budwig since diagnosis. He did however accept a course of radiotherapy after surgery with very unpleasant side effects. We try to follow the programme as faithfully as possible but have had a few serious lapses with resulting hikes in blood test results, however he has never suffered a days' illness or pain and his diabetes is under control (he stopped taking medication for this two years ago but continues with beta blockers for the time being...) ...he appears to be in good health for a 75 year old...
7] Jan. 12, 2008 - Annette, Jodee's daughter - Lymphoma & bone cancer
"Annette's newest test shows even more improvement. Dr Suarez said even some of the lesions on the bones are disappearing. She still has some active cancer in the center of the bones but he said it is still dying out. No lymph nodes are active. We are still doing the same things, nothing different. On Sept. 30, 2007, Jodee wrote: "Got the P.E.T. Infusion reports on Annette...
The tumors on her liver, in her chest, stomach, all gone. Dead. Her bone cancer is still decreasing but also still there. Dr Suarez said...he has never seen a patient with advanced cancer react like this, from a diet. All of her blood work is normal. This is the first time in 4 years that this has
happened. I again thank Dr Budwig for everything as well as everyone on this site...Remember M.D. Anderson. A cancer hospital in Houston, Texas sent her home in April to die. To anyone, keep doing the protocol. It works."
8] Dec. 3, 2007 - Ovarian Cancer - Rachael wrote:
"I received the results of my CT scans last Thursday. There is NO EVIDENCE of DISEASE!! Every single tumor is gone! I had seven- one was almost 7 cm big!! My doctors called the results a miracle..."
9] Dec. 3, 2007 - Liver Cancer - Beto wrote:
"Do you remember that my last CT scan of June showed no growth in my tumor, but a bit inflammation in my pancreas and (i didn't tell you) a little simple cyst in my left kidney. Well, now that cyst doesn't exist anymore, the pancreas isn't swollen neither...and finally and more important of all, a sligthly drop in my liver's tumor!!! We already expected good results
since my jaundice disappeared and my tumor markers were negative for a second consecutive time, so now me, my family and friends are in ecstasy...."
10] Oct. 2, 2007 - Georgette's ex-husband, Laszlo - Lung Cancer
Georgette wrote: "I joined this board in late June when my ex-husband, Laszlo was diagnosed with stage 3b inoperable non-small cell lung cancer. He had a 7.5 x 4.5 cm main tumor in the upper left lobe; the cancer was metastasized to the lymph nodes, and growing in one of the windpipes. In addition, one tumor was pushing on his vocal cord, paralyzing the cord. Last Friday, he had the follow- up P.E.T. scan, and today he went to discuss the result with his oncologist. In June, his SUV indicator was 10.6. Today, it is 2.1!!! The main tumor shrunk
to 4.2 x 6.5 cm, and the small ones are gone."
11] Sept. 26, 2007 - Susan Langley's Father - Lung Cancer
Susan wrote: "I wrote and told about my 74 year old father who has lung cancer. His tumor was 8 centimeters long, and when he was checked by the doctor yesterday, it is 6.5 centimeters long!!...When he told the oncologist he wasn't going to do chemo and radiation, the doctor looked at all of us, and said, "I guarantee the tumor will continue to grow without this treatment! I also will tell you he will have approximately 2 months to live." Well, that was the first week of July. Dad has energy, his eyes are clearer then ever, and his face looks so much better. He does not deviate from the protocol...
12] Sept. 19, 2007 - Jeanne's husband - Leukemia/anemia/atrial fibrillation
"We are also fighting Leukemia/anemia. My husband has much improved since starting BP about 4 months ago....He also has atrial fibrillation and just this last week he registered a normal sinus rhythm!... "
13] Sept. 3, 2007 - Martine' husband - Esophageal Cancer
Martine wrote: "I posted a month or so ago asking advice for my husband who has...no, HAD esophageal cancer. The doctor was pressuring him to have surgery, but we were leaning toward simply staying with the Budwig. We cancelled the surgery scheduled for the middle of August. Last week, John had an endocopic ultrasound...The doctor could find nothing. No tumor, no lymph node involvement, nothing except some residual inflammation from the radiation...He called it a "complete response."
14] Aug 5, 2007 - Asthma - Sid wrote: "I have been symptom-free for more than a month now while on modified BP = 3 FO + 6 CC daily; no meat, no sugar; lots of veggies and fruits. To date, I have not touched my Ventolin nebulizer nor inhaler. Not a single attack in two months (unheard of in my case). I've also quit Prednisone (steroid) and Claritin...What a relief.
15] Aug 5, 2007 - Halima - NHL Follicular lymphoma, stage 4
Halima wrote: "I was diagnosed on Sep 2006 with NHL Follicular lymphoma stage 4, grade 2, type A ( no symptoms). ...was offered chemo. I refused. I decided to follow [Budwig]...It took me some months to get "organized" and follow [Budwig] as close as I could. On Jan 2007 I did ultrasound and blood tests. my largest lymph node around the liver was 54mm. August 2007 I did ultrasound again: My largest lymph node is 30 mm !! 20% smaller..."
16] July 31, 2007 - CBA - Fibrocystic Breast Disease
CBA wrote: "I had fibrocystic breast disease, it started last year, I avoided xenoestrogens, ate only organic, took a lot of supplements but this didn't help so much. I had an ultrasound and they found plenty of cysts in my left breast (5) and right side (2). I started Budwig diet april last year. My breast tissue looks and feels normal now..."
17] July 19, '07 - non-Hodgkins lymphoma - Eric wrote:
"I have diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.... I took the CHOP-R chemo from March until June, 2006 but by October the stuff was back. In January, [my oncologist] did recommend more chemo to be followed by a stem cell transplant. I opted for natural methods instead." UPDATE: 8/16/07 - "Had more bloodwork done...my LDH is in the normal range. It fell from 207 (three weeks ago) to 179. According to the Ohio State lab, normal is 100-190. Needless to say, I am thrilled!"
18] July 10, '07 - Breast Cancer with mets to the bones. Janice wrote: "I have had no surgery...no allopathic medicine whatsoever. The tumors in my breasts (both sides), have reduced by 70-80% over the last four months on the BP. I have regained 60-70% range of motion in my left arm (which was practically none). My right arm is at about 90%...I had about 50% range before BP.
19] June 12,'07 - Georgeta's husband, Cony. Multiple Myeloma.
Excerpts from Georgeta's message:
- diagnosed with MM stage III B (Kidney failure) in spring 2005
- treated by Mayo doctor with steroids (dexamethasone) for 4
months to restore kidney function. Had stem cell transplant- extremely sick during transplant, almost dead with infections including septicemia. Jan. 2006 while in hospital again, diagnosed with amyloidosis in his lung, another deadly disease. Declared terminal...6 month or less to live -came home extremely sick, unable to eat, sleep, depressed, developed shingles...
Found Budwig books on Internet & later this group. Started protocol partially, not being able to eat normal portions. Gradually went on protocol 100%. [6/12/07]UPDATE: very good partial remission...Our neighbors used to see ambulances to our door. Now they see Cony...bathing in sun, reading and drinking his juices. What a difference.
8/16/07-UPDATE: Last week...at Mayo for another 3-month visit...
After...test result, doctor told us: no trace of cancer.
20] May 2007 - Peter Ryan - Liver cancer.
With two tumors in his liver, Peter refused all conventional treatments. He chose the Budwig Protocol. After including all parts of the plan, his test results showed that one tumor disappeared & the other was reduced by half after about 3 months. He is still following the plan & steadily reducing the cancer.
July UPDATE: http://health.groups.yahoo.com
21] May '07 - Carol's son - Leukemia.
After returning from Iraq, Carol's 22 year old son was diagnosed with CML. He stopped chemo after one treatment & started a raw foods diet. When he added flax oil/cottage cheese, he rapidly made greater progress. Now his energy is high & his blood counts are in the normal range. His leukemia is gone.
Further update from Carol
22] March '07 - Kimball Louis - Esophageal Cancer -
After having his esophagus removed due to cancer, Kimball, age 40 learned in May, '06, that the cancer had returned. He went to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX, for chemo but after the treatment, tests showed that the cancer remained. Doctors said there was nothing more they could do. Kimball found the Budwig Protocol & FlaxseedOil2. In Jan '07, he began following the full protocol "to the letter." Seven weeks later testing showed the cancer was gone.
23] Jan.'07 - Al Pechel - Tongue Cancer-Squamous Cell Carcinoma
In June '06, Al was diagnosed at UCLA & surgery was scheduled. He canceled surgery, found FlaxseedOil2 & began the Budwig plan. In Dec '06 a 2nd tongue biopsy was taken at UCLA, it showed no cancer as did re-check in mid-Jan '07.
24] Feb.'06 - Allen - Colon Cancer. [Part of the posted message]
Allen wrote: "I am a 42 year old male and was diagnosed with colon cancer in May 2004. I went the surgery, chemo and radiation route and almost said goodbye...There was no hope left by Sept 04, I was very fatigued, by then bleeding constantly - not to mention all the pain I felt due to the cancer having spread to my bones. In fact, I was busy getting my affairs in order. My
son was 9 and my daughter only 2. Then...[I]...started on the Budwig protocol.. by Oct...I was able to walk normally again, most of the pain was gone and in November I went back to work.. I am healthy now - the Budwig protocol saved my life. [Between Sept and Nov, 3 months, Allan regained a normal life]
25] Cliff Beckwith, the man who started FlaxseedOil2, was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer when he was 69 & given 6 months to live by his urologist. He learned about Dr. Budwig, started flax oil and cottage cheese and lived till age 85, passing away in April, '07.
26] Brain Cancer-Glioma - Kristy, a young woman, could not speak or focus her eyes and was in the terminal ward of the hospital when her family and friends began feeding her the Budwig diet. Her mother wrote the following after several months of the Budwig plan.
"My daughter was diagnosed with Glioma which is a cancerous brain tumor. The doctors did not perscribe chemo or radiation. They said there was no hope. That was in early June.[2005] 3 weeks after starting Budwig diet she started to get better. We are now in the process of transferring her out of the terminally ill center and into a physical therapy center. The doctor has said its a miracle."
27] Breast Cancer - In '95 Daphne Moore had a cancerous breast tumor removed.
In '01 matatasis to the vertebre was found. She began the Budwig Plan & is now cancer free. http://health.groups.yahoo.com
UPDATE: Jan 2, 2006, Daphne wrote: I am estrogen positive at 12 on a scale from 1 to 12 & since starting the FO/CC 5 years ago have had no more breast cancer. 2nd UPDATE: July, 2007, "...after getting the results of my annual "szinti". Nothing new to be found, in fact the old hotspot where I had had a back fracture from an accident has also disappeared...I am a 12.5 year survivor of advanced BC. I still take the BP on a daily basis and love it. I am careful but not overly strict in my eating habits, am not a great meat eater anyway.
28] Cheryl worked for 3-4 years with a group of patients who healed & regained their normal lives with the Budwig Protocol. She wrote: "...we have a liver cancer patient in remission for almost 2 years now, pancreatic cancer -2 years, my own dad - non-hodgkins lymphoma 2 1/2 years, my sister -breast cancer, 2 years 9 months, all the arthritis patients - unbelievable improvements.
These are a FEW of the MANY testimonials from members. See Files, Folder 6 for
more: http://health.groups.yahoo.com
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